Review of "Never Tell Them" by Norma L. Hinkens
Hi guys!
This is a book by one of my new favorite authors in the suspense and thriller genre. I could not put it down!
Check it out

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read other books by this author and enjoyed them, so this was no exception. I found that the story was fast-paced, suspenseful and it caught my attention quickly as I got pulled into the story. I have to admit, Norma threw me off guard once the real story came out and I began to see what was really going on. Well done! I am a suspense and thriller author myself so when I read other authors I am always thinking outside the box when I read a good thriller, trying to see if I can figure out what the surprise element of the story is. Did not see that ending coming! I am eagerly awaiting the next book by Norma Hinkens in November!
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