Shelter Pre-Order In Effect!

Hi Gang!

Okay, I am sheepishly admitting that I have abandoned my blog for a while, but it is only because I have spent the better part of this year completing my new novel, "Shelter".

It was a long project, but I really enjoyed writing it and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Right now, you can pre-order it directly from Amazon and other major online retailers. 

Authors To Look Out For

One of the things I plan to do from time to time is to tell you about an author that I(as a reader)admire.  I would like to introduce you to Dave Wickenden, author of "In Defense of Innocence". I just finished reading it and really enjoyed it. If you are looking for a good read, please be sure to check it out here   

I notice that some of you have reviewed my books, and for that I thank you. If you haven't already reviewed any of them at your favorite online retailer or Goodreads, I encourage you to please do so. As always, feel free to shoot me an email. I love hearing from you!


It's coming! My latest novel, "Shelter", will release at all major online retailers on February 19, 2019. 

What would you do to survive the impossible?
Suffering through a job loss, Gabriel Warner and his 
ten-year-old daughter, Anne, are put to the test during 
severe blizzard, while on a necessary road-trip.
An opportunity for a new start leads Gabriel and Anne 

to the northern woods of New York state, just before 

the biggest blizzard in twenty years hits.

When a medical emergency forces them to leave their 

car behind, they find an odd steel and glass fortress 

deep in the woods. Safe for now after finding a way 

inside, they're relieved, until they realize they're now trapped without 

communication, food, or a way out.

No phone lines.

No cell service.

No electricity.

No food

No water

No way out.

They have escaped the blizzard, but will they escape their......Shelter?

Read the "Shelter" preview here!

Click here to pre-order "Shelter"

Other Online Retailers(B&N,iBooks, Kobo, etc...)
Click here to pre-order "Shelter"

Not sure about ordering yet? No prob! You can add it to your shelf on Goodreads below by visiting the book page for "Shelter":

Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays everyone!

Stayed tuned for more soon and thanks!



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