Review: Trying to Survive
My rating: 0 of 5 stars
I happened to pick up this book while it was on a free promotion during the Christmas holiday, The cover really grabbed me and the storyline seemed to be interesting. I did not know anything about PCD, nor had I ever heard of it. But I liked the fact that the author integrated a disease into the story, as sometimes the characters in the book are too perfect if the writer is trying to hard to pull readers in.(if that makes sense). This was an enjoyable read and I really came to care for the two main characters, their stories written in alternating POV(point of view) I am a fan of this kind of writing, because I like to see the same story from different angles and it puts an interesting spin on things when we can see both sides of a situation.
I very much enjoyed reading about Carlana(Lana)and Colin! I am looking forward to the next book in the series, and I really got pulled into the story. The author really found, successfully I think, her 'male-side' when writing as Colin. He's an asshole, but I really understood him once I learned more of his past and I started to feel sorry for him after that. With Carlana, I felt she portrayed her as very real and down-to-earth. Austin killed me with his boyish one minute, man the next kinda attitude. And he's a good boy to want to protect his mom like that, since he was kind of the 'man of the house'. Carlana's friend, Megan, was a hoot!
I felt the story flowed nicely, and there were parts in it that I actually laughed out loud. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read. I plan to read the next book in the series when it becomes available and I encourage others to do the same!
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