Episode 4 of Many Hands Make Write Work - Book Cover
Hi guys! Thank you for sticking with me through this project as I am hard at completing work on my upcoming novel, Dissemble. If you are just joining me and you want to read what I've talked about so far, by all means, click here so you can catch up. Also, you can join my mailing list to learn about my upcoming books, contests, events, and more. The creation of the book cover is probably my favorite part of doing a writing project because it's where I am really comfortable, outside of the actual writing of course lol. I actually have a graphic background and in the past, I have done web sites and other graphic projects. So when I decide to start working on a cover, of course by now I know exactly how the story is going to go. This is very important because the cover should convey the overall feel/theme/tone of the entire story. A bad cover can make or break a sale, meaning that I could potentially miss reaching the type of readers that may have enjoyed my ...