Episode 2 of Many Hands Make Write Work - Plotting and Outlining

Welcome back! If you haven't read the intro from last month, you can check it out right here before you read any further. So, does it all begin at Chapter One, Page One? Hardly! That's a part of it, but for me, that doesn't come until a bit down the line. Where it actually starts is at 'inception'. Inception is when I start getting weird and crazy thoughts in my head that swirl around in there, sometimes for months, as I try to think up the next big suspense or thriller plot that hasn't already been done or overdone. Sometimes I'll bat stories around for months before I even write a single word. With my very first book, a romantic-suspense called "Broken Pieces", I had written on that story off and on for about ten years. The reason it took long for me to publish it was fear. Fear that it wasn't good enough or people would laugh or worse, they wouldn't want to read it at all. I pride myself on being able to come up with these wild...